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What we can do for you

You can commission us to carry out a range of services or to work on a specific project. We also offer products to encourage people to walk or wheel more of their everyday journeys. 

Read more about our technical services, our behaviour change products and our research below. You can also check out some of our recent projects.

People on a community street review

Technical services

People-centred placemaking 

Poor conditions for walking and wheeling can have profound effects on local economies, accessibility, and health and wellbeing

Our services are tailored to your requirements to help understand how people are affected by current conditions, make recommendations and help you build a case for improvements.

Our findings can be used to help secure funding for improvements, contribute to longer-term master planning and support broader strategic sustainability principles, such as carbon reduction, economic vitality, and social inclusion. Our work can support you with RIBA Stages 0 and 1 with background research, engagement and development of the business case.

Expert reviews 

We are experts in reviewing pedestrian environments and advising on pedestrian-proofing  transport schemes so they work for everyone. We can provide advice on local authorities’ strategic plans for new infrastructure such as Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs). Our Technical Team is trained in using methods and tools such as the Healthy Streets Check for Designers; LCWIP Walking Route Audit Tool; and Place Standard, and we work with you to provide a bespoke service that meets your needs.


A Living Streets staff member engaging with community members

Street audits and reports

Our Community Street Audits (CSAs) and School Route Audits (SRAs) engage local people and stakeholders in assessing and evaluating the quality of streets and public spaces using their lived experience. CSAs and SRAs bring together residents’ local knowledge with our expertise to look at ways of overcoming physical and attitudinal barriers to walking. Our findings can be used to inform improvements and ensure walking infrastructure really works for the people who use it.

Community engagement

Meaningful community engagement is vital to delivering successful schemes. We can link you up with local communities to generate ideas and gather feedback on your schemes and help you make places better for people.

We facilitate face to face community engagement; production of relevant materials; communications and campaign support; and much more. From School Streets, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and footway widening to 20mph speed limits and public realm improvements – we have a history of success in working with partners to make streets better for walking.

Two children outside a School Street

Research and Policy Reports

Pedestrian Pound front cover

Our policy team are experts in all things walking. 

Our research includes looking at the impact of poorly maintained streets on older people, the economic benefits of walkable streets, community perspectives of 20-minute neighbourhoods, how to make our streets more inclusive, and more.


Pedestrian slips, trips and falls front cover

Our products

Our award-winning behaviour change programmes successfully encourage people of all ages to walk and wheel more. 

Our walk to school campaign has been running for over 20 years and comprises Little Feet for early years settings, WOW – our walk to school challenge for primary schools, Next Steps - our range of walking activities for students transitioning to secondary school and universities and Walk to School Week each May. Walking Works is our programme for embedding the culture of walking into workplaces. Find out more via the links below. 

Our projects